Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.


To apply for services, contact a 477-SSP staff based on the county you reside or fill out the “Request an Application for Services” form.

Siletz Central Office

For Lincoln & Tillamook Counties


477-SSP Manager



477-SSP Coordinator


Jamie Bokuro

Job Development Specialist

James Williams

(A-K) Self Sufficiency Counselor

Danelle Smith

(L-Z) Self Sufficiency Counselor

Portland Area Office

For Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington Counties 

Anna Renville

Self Sufficiency Counselor
503-238-1512 ext. 1412

Tamra Russell

Self Sufficiency Counselor
503-283-1512 ext. 1411

Salem Area Office

For Marion, Polk, Yamhill Counties 

Angelica Espino

Self Sufficiency Counselor
503-390-9494 ext.1853

Lori Christy

Family Support Specialist
503-390-9494 ext. 1863

Eugene Area Office

For Benton, Lane, Linn Counties

Cathy Ray

Job Development Specialist
541-484-4234 ext. 1756

Jenifer Jackson

Self Sufficiency Counselor
541-484-4234 ext. 1755

Application Process

Once you request an “Application for Services,” you will be scheduled an intake appointment within 5 working days. The application pending period is 45-days. Should you exceed 45-days, you can immediately reapply for services. Once the required documentation is submitted, the staff will determine eligibility within 5 working days. The staff will mail a Letter of Notification providing an eligibility determination with appeal rights.

Required Documentation

Indian Heritage: Tribal ID, Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB), or proof of descendancy.

Social Security Cards: For all applicants and individuals in the benefit group.

Photo ID: State issued ID/driver’s license or Tribal ID.

Citizen / Alien Status: Birth Certificates for all individuals in the benefit group, immigration documents.

Residency: Rental agreement, mortgage statement, Residency Verification Form (provided with application).

Income Verification: Six (6) months of income verification from the Date of Request (pay stubs, employer printouts, per-capita, unemployment benefits, SSI/SSD, Child Support).

Public Assistance Verification: Six (6) months verification for public assistance (SNAP, USDA, HUD/Section 8, education grants, OHP, LIEHP)

Education Status: For all individuals in the benefit group.

Selective Service Registration: For men born after 1960 and applying for CRT, WEX, OJT, Core Services and Direct Placement.

Unemployment Insurance (UI): UI denial for all adults if applying for TANF or GASA.

The Program may request additional documentation depending the component you are applying for (child support applications, child’s school enrollment/grades, tax verification documents, school/training enrollment verification, etc.) The Program may also require referrals to other programs and services prior to utilizing 477-SSP services.

The 477-SSP will create an individualized case plan with each adult client. The case plan will outline activities to engage participants in employment, training and related services. Each participant is required to make an active effort towards attaining self-sufficiency, and compliance with their individualized case plan. All participants will be required to attend an orientation once approved for services, and attend all mandatory events / trainings hosted by the Program (unless otherwise exempt by the caseworker).