Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Program Purpose

Assists family caregivers in their expanding roles by providing program components that will ease family caregiver stress and increase coping.

Program Goals

  • Assist family caregivers to successfully meet the challenges of their caregiving role, while being supported in that role.
  • To deter institutionalization, when feasible, and promote continued care within the home and in alternative community settings for Elders for as long as possible or desirable by family caregivers.
  • Provide highest service levels possible.

 Definition of a Caregiver

In many cases, people do not consider themselves a caregiver. They say they are simply helping out their uncle by letting him live with them so he doesn’t have to be alone and make sure he takes his medication. They go over to grandma’s house to cook meals for her, clean up her house and do some laundry. There are Elders that have taken in their grandchildren or other relative child to raise them because the children are unable to live with their parents. This is exactly what a caregiver is. They are informal caregivers of family members so that the care recipient (Elder or minor child) can stay in their home or stay out of a nursing/foster home by living with them.

For the purposes of the Native Caregiver Support Program, a caregiver is defined as one of the following:

  • Family caregivers of disabled individuals (adult child) that are any age.
  • Grandparent caregiver or older relative (55 years of age or older) that is the primary care provider for a child related by blood, marriage, adoption, legal custody or informal relationship.
  • Adult family members or other individuals who provide in-home and community care to an Elder to assist in activities of daily living.

If you meet one of these categories, contact Chelsie Mason at 541-444-8212 to find out what kind of services are available to you as a Caregiver.

Respite Care

One of the major afflictions that caregivers face is burnout. In order to assist caregivers to maintain their own personal, physical and emotional health, the Program offers respite care for caregivers of frail elders. The respite time is time for the primary caregiver to attend meetings, appointments, personal errands and to take a break in their caregiver role.

Grandparents that are need of Respite care from caring for their minor grandchildren are referred to their local public Respite services program. Current federal regulations do allow the Title VI Program to provide respite care to Grandparent Caregivers.

Support Groups

There are many support groups available in all areas and the Elders Program can assist you in locating one that suites your needs.


If you in need of training for your caregiver duties, the Elders Program can assist you with finding classes. Examples are how to lift someone correctly, first aid, and CPR. These and other classes will assist you in your role as a caregiver, so contact the Elders Program to discuss what your needs are.

Lending Closet

If you need some items for short-term use that would assist you in taking care of your loved one contact the Program to discuss your needs and we will see what is in our closet to loan to you.

We also have books, audio tapes and videos on caregiving that can be loaned out. Stop in to see what we have available for you.