The purpose of the Down Payment Assistance (DPA) program is to provide qualifying below median income Tribal members and their families with a forgivable grant of up to $25,000 to assist with down payment and closing costs for their first home. Applicants and the properties must meet all qualifications before being considered for the program. Please read these qualifications carefully before filling out an application.

Applicant Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for this program, you must:

  • Be a Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (CTSI) Tribal member, or have a co-applicant that is a CTSI Tribal member.
  • Your gross household income must be at or below 80% of area median income, adjusted by household size.  A limited number of grants are available each year for households with income between 80-100% of area median income.
  • Be at least 18 years of age and of an age that would allow you to lawfully enter into a legally binding contract for purchase of a home in the area that you’ve selected.
  • Be financially able to afford the home, meaning the principal, interest, taxes, and mortgage insurance cannot exceed over 30% or the applicant’s household income.
  • Be a first time home buyer, or have not owned a home within the last three years. For a list of exceptions, please see policy.

Applying for the DPA

As noted before, the DPA program is only available to applicants that are below median income. To see if you are at or below 80% of the area median income, follow this link: NAHASDA Income Guidelines.  You must also meet all the other qualifications under “Applicant Eligibility Requirements” and “Property Eligibility Requirements”, listed above. For more in depth information about the program, please read the complete Down Payment Assistance – How the Program Works page, linked at the bottom.

Copies for each adult in the household you will need to include with your application are:

  • The last two consecutive paystubs with employer name, address, and phone number (or the most recent tax return if self-employed);
  • Tribal ID for each person in the household;
  • Social Security Cards for each person in the household;
  • If divorced and receiving child support or alimony, a copy of divorce papers;
  • Verification of per capita; and
  • Verification of any other income received in the household.

Complete applications and the relevant copies will need to be mailed to:

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Attn: Housing
PO Box 549
Siletz, OR 97380

Important Information About the Grant

The full amount of this conditional grant will be forgiven after five years from the date of the DPA Agreement, if the grant recipient complies with the following:

  • Maintains the home as their principle residence;
  • Remains in compliance with all funding sources which have a lien on the property;
  • Maintains replacement value hazards and/or flood insurance; and
  • Pays all required real property taxes.

Not all applicants that apply will be accepted, even if they meet all the requirements. Funds are limited for this program and applications are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.

What if I Don’t Qualify?

If you do not meet all the requirements listed above, there may be other assistance available to you. For questions regarding further assistance with buying a home, please contact:

K.C. Short

Finance Manager
