All Tribal offices are closed on December 6th for an All Staff Meeting. SCHC calls will be routed to the Gatekeepers.

Public Posting

All “public” Enrollment Postings are available on the website once you have logged into the Member Area (public means the General Council membership). If you are not a Tribal member and wish to see the posting, email to have one emailed to you. Public Postings includes Recommended Actions to the Tribal Membership Roll each quarter, the current Tribal Membership Roll, the Termination & Restoration Rolls and any Enrollment Ordinance changes up for review and approval by Tribal Council.

Printed copies of the Public Tribal Membership Roll and Public Posting regarding the quarterly recommendation by the Enrollment Committee and Actions taken by Tribal Council are posted in paper format in each Tribal Office (Siletz, Portland, Salem and Eugene) and the Tribal Housing office. Actions taken by Tribal Council are also published in the Siletz News the month following the action.

If you are having a problem with your Member Area login or need to request that your information to be added in order to log in, fill out a Request Login Form to have this addressed.


The Public Siletz Tribal Membership roll is available in the Tribal Area Offices and Housing Office. You can also view it by logging into the Member Area portion of the website and can then be found on the Enrollment Posting tab.