Tobacco Prevention & Education Program (TPEP)

TPEP’s role is to educate and create awareness of the harmful effects of commercial tobacco products.

We identify the different types of commercial tobacco products and devices that are used to deliver nicotine and other harmful additives.

We discuss traditional tobacco and how it is used for ceremonial, spiritual, and cultural purposes.

We work on policy implementation to improve and promote health and wellness throughout the community.

TPEP makes ongoing trips to the school throughout the school year and is involved in many events and activities during summer to engage our youth about prevention and education. TPEP provides and promotes resources for tobacco cessation including some-free phone apps, build your own quit plan, NRT’s, social media page, and quit kits for those who are interested.

Second Wind - Support Group for Quitting Commercial Tobacco

On the Second Floor Conference Room at the Siletz Community Health Clinic
Every Tuesday from 2 – 3 PM

If you’re interested in freeing yourself of nicotine dependence, we will be meeting weekly to support each other. We will focus on learning the skills and leveraging resources to help us stand strong when faced with cravings and stressors that make it difficult to quit. This group is for adults who are smoking cigarettes, vaping or smoking e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or using any other form of commercial tobacco/nicotine products.


Alexander Lane

Community Education Coordinator


Justyne Oleman

Tobacco Education and Outreach Specialist


Early Intervention Services and Outreach

The three key components are:

  1. Identifying individuals that do not know their HIV/Syphilis/HEP C status.
  2. Testing individuals at high risk.
  3. Quickly linking people who test positive for HIV/Syphilis/HEP C, to care.

Chelcy Villanueva

Outreach Specialist