Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Interim Request for Disbursement of Funds Held in Trust for Minors or Adult Under a Legal Disability

All information must be complete, and a copy of applicant’s social security card must be on file before this request will be processed.
This is a request for a(Required)
Full Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Legal Guardian Name(Required)
Legal Guardian Address (if different than mailing address)

Disbursement may only be made for expenses that are necessary for the health, education, or welfare of the Tribal member, as determined for extraordinary purposes by the Trust Officer at their discretion (Non-exhaustive examples include: “end of life” situation or legitimate travel expenses for individual and caretaker to attend a Tribal cultural event to benefit the will-being of the individual).

The Trust Officer shall utilize a “reasonable person” standard to evaluate all requests for disbursement. Reasonable shall be defined as timely, fair, proper, just, moderate under and suitable under the circumstances; not immoderate or excessive.

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Please attach all documentation that would assist the Trust Officer in making their decision to deny or approve your request (For example, literature, quotes, or any other relevant documents).

    This payment may be TAXABLE INCOME and must be reported when you file APPLICABLE TAX RETURNS. An IRS Form 1099 showing the taxable amount and any tax withholding will be mailed to you by January 31 of each year. For tax questions, we strongly recommend you consult with a professional tax advisor.

    “KIDDIE” TAXES MAY APPLY TO YOUR DISTRIBUTIONS. This income may be subject to a specific tax on the unearned income of certain children (also known as Kiddie Tax). This can include minor trust distributions as well as adult per capita distributions. As the rules are complicated and Congress may change the code as they see fit, we strongly encourage you to consult with your individual tax professional. Everyone’s individual tax circumstances differ and CTSI departments cannot give individual tax advice.

    By signing, I certify that the above is true and correct information, that I am the legal guardian of the individual named above, that the documentation establishing legal guardianship has been provided to the Trust Officer, that I have read and understand the information on this form, and that I agree to use the funds for the sole purpose identified above. I also understand that if the above request is denied, I may petition the CTSI Tribal Court for a review of the Trust Officer’s exercise of fiduciary discretion.
    Clear Signature
    This form is develop pursuant to the Tribal Member Distribution Ordinance and the Minor/Disable elder Trust – Early Distribution Policy. Developed 3/1/2024.