Elders Title VI Program Mission Statement

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Elders Title VI Program is a program with the specific intent to provide services to Siletz Tribal Elders. Our priority will be to serve those with the greatest economic and social needs such as low-income, isolated, frail and/or impaired Elders. It is our intent to improve the quality of life for these people through fostering an environment in which their dignity and pride can grow and flourish. We recognized that our Elders are to be treated with honor and respect in all aspects of their lives.

    One-on-One Assistance

    Many times an Elder has questions on Tribal services or benefits but is unsure whom they need to contact within the Tribe. The Elders Program staff is aware of most Tribal programs and services and can assist Elders with reaching the appropriate contact. If the Elder needs one-on-one assistance in completing paperwork or going to an appointment to have an advocate for them, the Elders Program staff can help the Elder. If the Elder would like to use a computer with Internet Access, there is a computer in each area office specifically for Elders to use.

    Semi-Annual Elders Meals

    The Program hosts an annual BBQ in June to start the summer off and a holiday meal in December every year. At these meals, Elders from all over come to eat, enjoy each others company, celebrate, play Bingo or work on crafts. The events have become very popular over the last couple of years.

    Siletz Meal-Site

    The Siletz Meal-Site is located at the Siletz Community Center and meals are served on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon. If you plan to attend the Meal-Site contact Maggie McAfee from the Elders Program at 541-444-8212 or the Programs Manager at 541-444-8220 so that we can inform the kitchen to plan for you. The Meal-Site offers Elders the opportunity to share a meal with other Elders and visit. The cost of the meal is covered by the Elders Program for all Tribal members, their spouses and caregivers that accompany the Elder.

      Meals on Wheels

      The Meals on Wheels program is based in Siletz and delivered on Mondays and Wednesdays to Elders that are unable to go to the Meal-Site due to medical reasons. Two hot meals are delivered on each day and a frozen meal is delivered on Wednesday to provide a meal to be used on Friday or over the weekend.

      To request home delivered meal services contact Chelsie Mason from the Elders Program at 541-444-8212 for an assessment. The cost of the meal is covered by the Elders Program for all Tribal members, their spouses and caregivers that are present at lunchtime to assist the Elder.

        Transportation Assistance

        Transportation provided by the Elders Title VI Program is to transport meals and to meet the basic needs of Elders by transporting them on errands, should there be no other resources available. To schedule transportation, contact your nearest Area Rep.

        As long as funding is allocated and available, when an Elder is able to use public transportation and it is more cost-effective than hiring a transporter or for Program staff to transport, the Title VI program may purchase bus tickets or a monthly pass so the Elder can conduct their personal business. The “Siletz Tribal Fleet Use Policy” part 409 of the CTSI Operations Manual will be followed.

          In-Home Services

          The Elders Program Coordinator, prior to care provider services being authorized, will do an “Assessment for Services.” There will be a guideline related to the “Assessment for Services” to calculate the maximum number of hours authorized dependent on the level of care required. Assessments will be updated when there is a change in health or, at a minimum, every 6-months. The assessment measures the level of need by a point system that translates into hours allocated.

          The Elders Title VI Program will pay an incentive stipend to a person age 14 or older that provides care provider services to a Siletz Tribal Elder. Each provider must complete a W-9 form for tax purposes prior to any payment being issued. The Program, on an annual basis, will determine the maximum hourly stipend rate, daily stipend rate and monthly budget cap per Elder. A Care Provider timesheet will be submitted on a monthly basis by the 10th of the following month. We do not have a pool of caregivers, the Elder must select their own caregiver.

          The services must be for personal tasks the Elder is unable to perform on their own and is not being covered by the State or other programs. If an Elder is in need of extensive or medically trained care, they will be required to apply for State assistance prior to services being authorized through the Elders Title VI program.

          1. Chore Services: This will include items such as yard work, heavy cleaning and running errands. Delivering, cutting and stacking firewood will also be considered a chore service if it is at least one cord.
          2. Homemaker Services: This will include basic home upkeep like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning of floors and the bathroom. Assistance in taking medications, personal care and cooking is also a homemaker service if it does not require medically trained personnel.
          3. Home Health Respite: This is for assistance in bathing, grooming, getting in/out of bed, daytime or nighttime monitoring, and medication management in the absence of the primary caregiver.

          Care Providers cannot be a part of the Elder’s household, i.e. children, grandchildren, spouses or significant others residing in the home. This is defined as someone that lives in the house at his or her benefit, not to benefit the Elder. If someone lives in the Elder’s home because the Elder requires constant supervision/assistance, then they are payable as a care provider. If a person lives with an Elder to avoid paying rent somewhere else and their residence in the house is not primarily to care for the Elder they are not payable as a care provider.

          Should a care provider make a false claim of hours, not complete the tasks to the satisfaction of the Elders Program Coordinator or display inappropriate behavior with CTSI staff, they can be found ineligible to receive the incentive stipend should they continue as a care provider for Elders.

          Tasks that are not covered are:

          • pet care;
          • yard work when a landlord maintains it; and
          • yard maintenance for property not owned by the Elder or not required of them to maintain in a rental agreement.