Kurtis Barker, Chief Executive Officer, gives updates about the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians for the month of October
Hello and welcome. My name is Andrea Taylor, and I’m the public relations assistant for the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. And today we have Kurtis for our monthly update. Kurtis, how are you?
Good. How are you?
Oh, I’m tired. I’m ready for the end of the year
It’s Monday.
It’s a Monday.
But it’s good to be here. I think I missed last month. I was out with a bout of Covid, so it’s good to be back this month.
We moved on without you. It’s okay.
I figured you would.
All right, so, let’s hit some of our big topics.
Yeah. So first up, we have been giving regular updates on a lot of our big projects that are going on. a lot of these are funded by the Arpa fund that the tribe received, as a result of Covid. so the first project, that I could provide an update on is the Lincoln City Clinic. It’s moving along, fairly well. We had some minor delays just due to some changes with our contractor. but that is progressing. We’re hoping to have a soft opening for that clinic in, January. So early January, we’ll have a soft opening and then an opening to the public in January.
So didn’t get pushed back very far then, because I think you were saying before projected in November.
Yeah. So we planned on November. and the delays were just due to a change in, within the structure of the general contractor. So they had to find some new subs, but, everything is moving along. well, with design and, the timeline for ordering supplies, and, you’ll see some updates come out, from the regular council meeting that I’ll discuss in a minute on staffing.
The second project is the pharmacy located here. And so it’s, it’s also progressing, very nicely. if you’ve if you’re in town and you and you drive by it, you’ll see that the parking lot has now been paved. We did a tour of it, a couple weeks ago, and the inside is all being finished. Walls are up. they’re just working on the final stages of, What that final design will be. getting all of that stuff ordered. But we’re hoping we’re hoping for a, soft launch in December with, opening to the public. that first week in January.
So that one’s moving along well. the next project that we have is the rec center, located in Siletz, right here on Swan. we have experienced some minor delays as we, negotiate with the city on some permitting issues that caused a delay of about three weeks, but, construction on that project should have resumed.
We’re trying to get some, get the foundations and all that stuff set, before, the fall, fall and winter weather hits. So, so far, the contractor has said things are moving, moving along well with that project. but again, a minor delay the last month and a half, but, we should be back on line.
The next project that we have, that will be that we just wrapped up a phase of it, and the next phase will be starting soon. But that’s the museum up on Government Hill. if you were up there, up on a Government Hill for pow-wow, you’ll see that we just finished. I think it was that week, that we had powwow.
the road realignment project was finished. So we, widened that road. We added sidewalks, storm drainage, and added a new parking lot. And that’s all in preparation for phase three of the museum, which is the actual construction of the museum. So, I think I announced, it was either on here or it was at a joint meeting with council, but, the council did approve a contract for the contracted, with a company that will be working with the Econa on, the construction and final design of the museum.
And Econa is our..?
They’re the engineering firm that we contract with. They do all the design work for us, specifically for this project. And, they’ll be working along with the general contractor on, the next couple months finalizing some design elements. And, before they break ground, most likely in January.
Okay. Will there be a ceremony for that? Because they did kind of a breaking ground ceremony last, March?
Yes. the stars committee or board hosted a groundbreaking ceremony earlier this year. it’ll be up to the council to decide if they want to do a groundbreaking again. it would be great. Maybe in late December or right before it starts to do a more public version of a groundbreaking ceremony. obviously we’ll have some other, grand openings right around that same time with the pharmacy and the city clinic.
And one thing that I forgot to add to my list, but that I can provide just a brief update on the Salem housing project. all of the infrastructure is in place. the roads are in, and, we have a contractor, I believe, on board for, that will start construction of the actual homes, community center and office space. So Salem is moving along, very well.
That’s a lot of updates. Good progress though.
It is. We have, staff have been putting in a lot of hours and a lot of work on, maintaining these projects, the oversight, making sure we have adequate funding in place. It’s taken a lot of work, and it’s all hands on deck to make sure that these are successful projects.
Good, good. I really enjoy that. And I’m excited to see. I’ve been watching the, you know, the new pharmacy get built. and it’s really it’s really shaping out to be a really pretty building.
Yeah. It’s looking a lot better than the than the shell that went up. And everybody was a little bit fearful of what that building might look like. I think they called it a, I mean, it looks like a jail, but now it’s looking a lot better. The final elements on the outside of the building will go up here in the next couple of weeks.
There’s a a mural.
A really nice. Yeah, awning that goes out front. a custom sign that’s going on the very front of the building. And then, the clinic is working on contracting with an artist for a mural.
That’s right. And then I do have a follow up question on the new pharmacy. Is there going to be a drive thru or is it walk in still similar to what we have?
It will be both. So you can walk in and then it will have a drive thru as well as okay.
So let’s talk about the, regular tribal council meeting. Highlights from that.
Yeah. So we had a pretty packed agenda for the September regular council meeting, much more than what we had on the agenda the month before. But just some highlights from that meeting. the council approved the latest enrollment posting, so enrollment posting 326 was all approved. the staff in various departments have been really busy with, various grant applications.
A lot of those announcements have, been out and deadlines are looming, but, the Natural Resources Department will be submitting a grant for the BIA climate Resiliency program. we’re trying to focus a lot of energy on, the climate resiliency funds that are that have been made available. So that’s, exciting. under education, the council approved an extension to the contract for the, Education Northwest.
We work with them on our curriculum, approved some JOM eligibility requirements, and then approved four separate, grant projects for the education department. The council also approved several job descriptions, and I think you’ll start seeing these posted on our website. but a lot of these will be some supporting the Lincoln City Clinic. So they’ve approved some job descriptions for the, like medical support specialists. We’re really close to making some offers on a provider. but you’ll start seeing some announcements specifically, related to Lincoln City here in the next couple weeks.
The council also approved, a grant application for the NTIA digital equity program. this is a fairly large grant application that we hope will allow us. Excuse me. allow us to provide new devices to tribal members. I think you’ll remember through Covid. we did a device distribution and a iPads, to members of each household. We hope to be able to do that again. But this grant will also support us hiring staff to, provide assistance in the use of those new devices. So being able to assist elders, access the internet, setting up their devices, how to do email. really providing that hands on support to, households that need it on those new devices. the council also approved an MOU with Travel Oregon, and I know that you’ve been, working very closely with Travel Oregon the last couple of years on behalf of the tribes.
I have for since since 2019, I have been the the main person working with Travel Oregon through CTSI.
Yeah. And they have some really good publications that highlight highlight the tribe. So, we’re excited to have that MOU approved with them. And then the council also approved, accepting a grant from Pacific Source. we’ve been working with Pacific Source for about a year and say maybe a year and a half. They provided the travel grant before, for $40,000.
That is helping us expand the home visiting program to be able to serve, children up to the age of five, because right now, that program limits eligibility up to the age of three. So they came out and did a tour. They’re really excited about what’s happening within home visiting. They’re also really excited about what’s happening at the farm. So they offered the tribe, a $100,000 grant.
No strings attached. very open ended to.
What they can use to support the farm.
The farm or whatever the tribe finds as a priority. we’ll have some meetings with Pacific Source. Just making sure it aligns with some of their priorities, but, and then we just got word today that they’ve increased that grant award to over $200,000.
That is such a gift.
It is. And, it’s great working with a lot of these partners. we host a lot of people here at the tribe that just want to learn more about the tribe, agencies that, want to expand partnerships. And this, sort of is just bearing fruit. and some of those partnerships that we’re creating with outside agencies. So we’re excited for that. you’ll be seeing that on the next regular council meeting. an updated resolution to approve acceptance of that award, but again, it was no strings attached. The the tribe gets to prioritize how to use those funds. but that’s an exciting update.
That is a really exciting update. I’m super. I mean, personally, I’m excited about that. memorandum of understanding with the Travel Oregon. I think that they’re doing so much good work and they’re trying so hard. to to just support Tribes of Oregon in general, all of us. But that. I’m also excited about that grant. I want I’m ready to see what happens with that.
Yeah, I think we’ll be able to, just some ideas that we’ve been tossing around is, expanding, some of the structures at the farm. So being able to maybe create a structure to where we can do more activities when the weather isn’t, as ideal.
I know I keep trying to get someone to do a canning class with me. I have canned so much already this year. I’ve made salsa. I’ve made peach preserve and, grape jelly. I’ve made tons of tomato sauce, etc. and I’m like, this could be a class.
Yeah, it could be even through USDA. but yeah, I think they hope to be able to provide that in the future. I the kitchen at, farmhouse was just finished.
So the stove is in and all the commercial, infrastructure is in to be able to provide those classes in the future.
Yeah, it’ll be good. so committee openings, happenings, postings. What do we have on that topic?
So upcoming, we do have, for tribal members that want to participate. We have a number of opportunities that happen or, become available throughout the year. The the most recent deadline or the one that’s coming up is at we’re accepting applications for the election board. so the election board is responsible for, basically, implementing the election ordinance to, run this next year’s election.
So we’re coming up on election season. we’re looking for three regular, board members and two alternates. So if you’re interested, the application is on our website and it’s also in the latest issue of. So that’s news. But that deadline is October 9th at 4 p.m.. So you can get an application in to the Tribal Council secretary’s office by then. You’ll be considered for that appointment. And then, just so that everybody’s aware there’s been some, there becomes vacancies throughout the year if people choose to resign different positions on committees, but the majority of the committees become open. and I think we start publicizing those openings in January, and then they’re approved at the council meeting in February.
So that includes openings in the Education committee, natural resources, health, cultural heritage, housing Power Budget Committee, and Enrollment committee. So we have a number of committees, a lot of, there will be openings coming up this next year. If you’re interested in participating.
So if you want to have a say in how some of the things work, some of our committees and how our programs work within the tribe, you should apply for those.
The, the committees are recommending bodies to the council so they can make, recommendations on policy, on forms, on on how the services are provided. a lot of the boards are also act as, appeal panels for services within those departments. so yeah, there’s a lot of opportunities to participate.
Apply today.
All right. So you’ve already kind of touched on a little bit, but there are a number of job opportunities with CTSI
There are and we post all of the job openings on our website. we have a job board, and you’ll find a lot of our postings also through. Indeed. but we will have several new openings coming. due to the Lincoln City Clinic. So we are staffing that separately than we are from the. So let’s clinic. There might be some positions that transition that can flow between both facilities. But for the most part we’re going to hire a completely separate staff for that Lincoln City clinic. And then as we go to the budgeting process, the budget committee is meeting this month. We’re proposing several new positions, throughout the organization to help support the work that we’re doing.
Right. We’re just ever growing.
We are growing, and we’re going very fast. we have well over I believe it’s 150 plus grants. we need staff to be able to support that with administration. And, we look forward to presenting that to the next budget committee.
Thank you.
So next on our agenda is, is a pretty important I think it’s a pretty important activity. I love going to it. And that’s the elders would cut.
Yes. So the last elders wood cut for this year is October 19th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and elders wood cut area is located just next to the USDA warehouse. but we definitely need participants. we always have, shortage of volunteers to help cut wood for the amount of elders that we have on our waiting list.
We also need, volunteers from the area offices, Portland, Salem, Eugene to be able to deliver some wood to the elders that are in the valley. and so a struggle on on fulfilling those needs. and again, if you’re a family member of an elder who burns wood, we publicize this with every announcement. you really should be there to help volunteer to cut wood. Deliver wood? to support those, to support members of your own family. But, there’s always a need for volunteers. We provide a meal, snacks, refreshments. So please attend on October 19th. and it would be very much appreciated.
Yeah, it it really isn’t a hard. I don’t think it’s a hard, event to attend. I bring my seven year old. You know, he can haul wood from the person cutting the wood to the person in the truck stacking it, and it’s it’s a there’s something for everybody. And their snacks.
Their snacks. And that’s everybody loves snacks. but I have to thank our natural resources crew. they go out there either the day before or early that morning and cut up logs. they prep the area for, the work that the volunteers do. And we don’t have everybody out there with axes. I mean, there’s hydraulic wood splitters and things like that to make the to make it easier and actually doable for everybody.
So, yeah, we look forward to seeing everybody in the 19th. Also, if you’re an elder in need and want to be on the list to receive wood, you just have to contact the elders department.
I will see, and I thought it was natural resources the whole time. It’s elders.
Elders maintains the list.
Okay. Okay. So, next on our agenda is powwow, Restoration specifically.
Yes. So restoration is, coming up in November, and it doesn’t seem like, I’m just sure November will be here before you know it, but the restoration committee has been meeting regularly. setting that agenda, powwow at restoration. That should look the same. I don’t think there’s any significant changes to the power. Will look like. but again, the committee is working on their list of invitees, their special guests. So you’ll, hopefully see some more information come out on that in the next couple weeks. But restoration is set for November 16th.
At Chinook Winds Casino.
See and I attended restoration last year. I tend every year, but last year it was packed house and there wasn’t even breathing room. And I was hoping that if it came out that way this year, that maybe like vendors would be put maybe across the hall, and then we could just expand the dance floor, do you know if that’s a possibility or.
No, it’s probably a good recommendation for the, committee that’s working on that. I know I was there volunteering last year and it was so full. I mean, the amount of bags that we gave out, I think we gave out close to 800 or 900, gift bags, but it’s very, very crowded. And, I don’t know if that’s maybe because it was our first really big one coming out of Covid, right.
But, I think if it’s as busy as, this year, we’ll have to look at other options to accommodate all of the people that want to attend.
Right. At least we’re keeping that door open then.
Yeah. Because if you’re not there early, for one, you aren’t going to get a gift bag, and, you’ll probably be split up with your group for sitting, because people get there early and they park themselves for that day.
They lay out their blankets in their coats and save their seats for the family.
They do. So if you’re interested in restoration, I would recommend getting there early.
Okay. And we just have some office closures coming up.
We do, it’s a busy time of year and we have several tribal holidays. so we have a closure, for the Indigenous Peoples Day on October 14th. the offices are closed on Veterans Day, which is November 11th. Restoration Day, November 18th. And then, of course, Thanksgiving, which is November 28th, the 29th. And you just have to watch for this. Siletz News and our publications on Facebook because we might actually close, the day prior to that. usually we close at noon on certain holidays just to give our staff extra time to, for traveling or to, prepare for those, tribal events with their families. So just watch the, watch the latest publications, because some of those we will end up closing early and most likely.
Last minute regalia assembly or house cleaning to make it look like we’re tidy people.
Yes, exactly. When our family comes over, you gotta be ready. So.
Right. And then there is just one more thing that I didn’t put on the agenda, but it’s, fun event and the, well, events until the end of the year. Our royalty is doing a bake sale. that was the last Friday of every month. September, October and November. Is that correct?
I did see the publication. I don’t remember the specifics on it.
but I think that’s something that we can share, to the community.
Yeah, I think it it’s I know I saw the flier. the door downstairs here at admin, and I feel like it’s also been on Facebook, so just keep your ears, and and eyes peeled for those events and support our royalty in their travels.
Hopefully they’re able to attend or somebody is able to attend. the next general council meeting. those have been quite long and I know that people have enjoyed in the past, you know, somebody cooking a meal as a fundraiser. I know that, some candidates for royalty were providing a bake sale this last time, but, there was a lot of there’s a lot more people that are attending the general council meetings.
And it would be great if, we had some sort of, fundraiser there present to provide a meal or a snack.
Okay. Which is, on Saturday, November 2nd, as we already covered.
Yes. Okay.
So maybe maybe somebody hears this and they take that initiative. Buy it.
It would be great.
All right. Is there anything you feel like we missed or didn’t cover before we conclude our podcast for the day?
Not that I could think of. again, if you have any questions on what’s going on, I would recommend checking the website. You can also contact, contact our staff, contact our departments. we’re happy to share what’s going on. happy to provide you the information you need if you’re wanting to access services. But, we’re looking forward to fall and winter.
I guess one thing I’ll mention, just because every year there seems to be some sort of event that happens that our staff are already preparing. those that respond to, that, that are on our emergency management team have already started, a schedule of trainings just so that we’re refreshing ourselves and how to use our, emergency alert systems and, making sure all that stuff is in working order before we actually need them. So we’re looking forward to the next couple of months of events and activities. And again, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
All right. Thank you so much, Kurtis. I hope you have a wonderful day.
You too. Thank you.