Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
Programs consist of the Tribal Temporary Housing Assistance Program (TTHAP), Tribal Temporary Student Assistance Program (TTSAP) and Tribal Elder/Disabled Rental Assistance Program.
Tribal Temporary Housing Assistance Program (TTHAP)
The Tribal Temporary Housing Assistance Program (TTHAP) is a time-limited program which assists:
- Families needing to live closer to medical care as documented by a physician.
- Victims of domestic violence needing immediate assistance to relocate.
- Individuals transitioning from prison or a rehabilitation facility.
Other emergency situations that are temporary in nature as determined by the Siletz Tribal Housing Department (STHD) will also be considered.
The household must be able to meet the NAHASDA income guidelines and the household’s share of the rent is thirty percent of the adjusted annual income. STHD will allow up to ten (10) vouchers for this program each year, as long as funding exists.
Tribal Temporary Student Assistance Program (TTSAP)
The Tribal Temporary Student Assistance Program (TTSAP) is a time-limited program which assists a student while obtaining higher education for a period not to exceed six years. Participant must:
- Maintain full time student status (defined as twelve or more credits per semester)
- Attend a college, university, vocational, or trade school
- Maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA.
The household must be able to meet the NAHASDA income guidelines and the household’s share of the rent is thirty percent of the adjusted annual income. If the student leaves the household, the household will no longer be eligible for assistance. STHD will allow up to thirty (30) vouchers for this program each year, as long as funding exists.
Applications are open from May 1st-May 31st.
Tribal Elder/Disabled Rental Assistance Program
The Tribal Elder/Disabled Rental Assistance Program assists families whose head of household is a Tribal elder, or whose household includes a disabled Tribal member. To be eligible, the household must include one the following:
- A Tribal member age fifty-five and older
- A disabled Tribal member
The household must be able to meet the NAHASDA income guidelines and the household’s share of the rent is based on ten percent of the income. STHD will allow up to forty (40) vouchers for this program each year, as long as funding exists.