Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

The Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program was established to assist in raising the social and economic status of members of the Tribe to a point where they can secure adequate financing on reasonable terms from another lender, and to finance developments for which other financing is not available. Loans may be made only upon determination that repayments can be made, based upon accepted credit analysis.

The STRCP Board of Directors meets once a month, and makes the final determination regarding credit approval. Siletz Tribal Business Corporation (STBC) staff merely gathers necessary information for the STRCP Board of Directors to make an informed decision regarding loan authorization. The STRCP Board considers credit score, employment history, and debt-to-income ratio when deciding whether to grant credit.

In addition, the program is revolving, not the loan. Should you be approved, this is not a line of credit to be refinanced at any time. You must repay at least 90% of your original loan, and show six months of STRCP payment history before requesting a refinance.

Per Capita is not considered a source of income (it is not guaranteed). We also do not loan against Per Capita.

On time monthly payments are expected.


There are three loan applications available. All applications can be obtained at the STBC office or downloaded at Completed applications, with supporting documentation and application fee, can be submitted by mail to the address listed below or in person to Tracy Garrison at Siletz Tribal Business Corporation.

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program or times when the STRCP Board of directors meet, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy Garrison at 541-351-9152.


Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program
2120 NW 44th Street, Suite D
Lincoln City, OR 97367
STRCP Webpage
Tracy Garrison
View the website at the above link for current due dates.