Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Lead & Copper Service Line Inventory Update

October 10, 2024

Lead & Copper Service Line Inventory has been completed as per EPA requirements. No Lead Service Lines were found during the inventory. This has been conducted by using As Build construction plans for neighborhoods at Takelma Ct., Judd Rd., Gwee-Shut Rd., Rogue River Ct, Chetco Ct., Shasta Ct., Tootootney Ct., Umpqua St., Molalla St., and Tolowa Ct. In addition our commercial buildings service lines were inventoried to include USDA, The Community Center, Pow-Wow Comfort Station, Repository, Men’s TLC, Women’s TLC, Siletz Community Health Clinic, Tenas Illahee Child Care Center, Fitness Center and Recreational/Sprung buildings.

In addition to using As Build construction plans, a visual inspection was performed during the cleanout of the water meter boxes for preparation of the replacement of the water meters in November 2023. More so, Google Earth Pro was utilized by using historical satellite imagery of the Oak Flats neighborhood that dated back to 1995 (construction began late 1998 and 1999).

Note: The Lead Ban was enacted June 19, 1986 by Congress. The EPA used a more stringent guideline and only allowed construction dates after January 1st, 1989 to be used if the historical documentation didn’t clearly state the material used. We didn’t settle for just a mere date, we still scoured through all the construction plans to ensure that the material used was clearly stated on the plans. “No Lead Service Lines”

This information will also be in our 2025 consumer confidence report.