Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Address Updates with Enrollment & Tribal Administrative Departments

The Enrollment Department is responsible for the maintenance of the Siletz Tribal Membership Roll. Part of that responsibility is maintaining the contact and statistical information for tribal members on behalf of the Siletz Tribal Administration.

It is important to keep your contact information (mailing address and phone number) updated with the Enrollment Department. The programs and departments within the Siletz Administration building depend on the address on record with Enrollment to be accurate in order to reach tribal members by mail or phone.

It is the policy of the Enrollment Department to require address updates be submitted in writing. This is for the security of the Tribal Member so that other people don’t re-route your mail without your knowledge.

The Siletz News, the quarterly confidential Newsletter, 1099-Misc forms, per capita mailing, Elders program, Tribal Court and Elections are just a few of the activities that depend on the address and phone number on file with the Enrollment Department. Update yours today if you have not been receiving your monthly Siletz News!

Note: A completed Address & Contact Information Update form can be faxed to 541-444-8296 (no cover page necessary) or sent as a scan via email to to get the phone or address updated quickly. After emailing, mail in the original to the Enrollment Department. If the address change is sent via email, you will receive a reply confirming the form was received. If you do not get a response, please call to follow up that your email was received.

The Enrollment Department provides tribal member’s contact information to all Tribal Programs upon request. It would be ideal to only update your address in one location for the entire Tribe. Unfortunately, due to various Program requirements/regulations, they have to update their own address on file directly. Two of the most common departments are under Healthcare and Housing, which have separate processes for updating their address records.


For the Siletz Community Clinic and Purchase/Referred Care you must submit a new Patient Registration Form to update your address.


If you need to update your address with housing because you are on their waiting list, you must submit a new application for the housing type you are on a waiting list for. Go to the Housing Department’s webpage for more information.