Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

47th Annual Siletz Restoration Pow-Wow

Chinook Winds Casino
Saturday, November 16th, 2024

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians invites you to our Annual 47th Restoration, held at Chinook Winds Casino Resort.

Grand Entry will be at 6:00 PM.

All Dancers and Drummers are welcome!

For more information, please contact AJ Warren at or at 1-800-922-1399, ext. 1244 or 541-444-8244.

This is a family event; drugs and alcohol will not be tolerated. The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and Chinook Winds Casino Resort are not responsible for injuries and lost or stolen items.

Vendor Information

The table space cost for one table is $55.00 and two tables is $110.00. An application can be found below. Applications are due on October 18th, 2024. You will be notified by Friday, October 25th  if you have been selected.

Vendor Rules

  1. Attach copy of Tribal ID or Certificate of Indian Blood to this application for tribal member/Native preference.
  2. Table space cost is $55.00 per 8 ft. table.  Payment can be made prior to event or after setup on Saturday, Nov 16th.  Due to past NSF checks only money orders, cash, or cashier’s checks will be accepted.
  3. Each booth is asked to donate one item (minimum value of $30.00) for the Pow Wow Committee Raffle and will be picked up along with the booth payment.
  4. No weapons of any kind are allowed or to be sold by vendors (knives, guns, or any martial arts equipment).
  5. All crafts will be authentic Native American made and if they are not they shall be labeled as to their origin. Liquid filled toys, Frisbees, whistles, squirt guns, etc. are not allowed for sale or distribution.
  6. There will be absolutely no drug paraphernalia sold.  The Tribe does not recognize medical marijuana cards.
  7. Set up for booths is required to be completed by 10 AM on Saturday, Nov 16th.  If you wish to set up early on Friday the 15th, you may do so between 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM.  Take down of all booths is required to be completed by Midnight Saturday Nov 16h.
  8. Please arrive at the North side of the building – Employee’s entrance.  Check in with Security to receive your badge.  There will be a limited number of carts available to move your merchandise into the building.  Please return carts as soon as you are finished using them so that someone else can use them.

The Pow Wow Committee and Chinook Winds Casino & Resort are no responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles or vehicles while at the Pow Wow. 

Please return by Friday, October 18th, 2024 by 4:30 PM. You will be notified by Friday, October 25th, 2024 if you have been selected as a vendor.

Return applications to:

Cultural Education Manager
AJ Warren
PO Box 549
Siletz, OR 97380

Questions, call 1-800-922-1399 ext. 1244 or 541-444-8244. Email: