Tribal Services & Programs

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians offers many programs and services to eligible Tribal members. These services include housing, education, health, social and employment services. Some programs and services have an income and/or residency requirement to access. Others are provided, regardless of income or residency. Explore the numerous services the Confederated Tribes of Siletz has to offer our Tribal members below.


Includes programs for homeowners, renters, Elders, and developmental/modernization.


Includes culture & language resources, youth and adult education information, childcare assistance and Head Start.


Explore the various services that the Siletz Community Health Clinic provides.

Social & Human Services

Included here is the 477-SSP Program, Elder Services, Indian Child Welfare (ICW), and USDA.

Natural Resources

Includes forestry, fish & wildlife, aquatics and environmental protection information.

Planning Department

View programs that the planning department oversees, including the Comprehensive Plan and Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.


Includes information on the Minor Trust, Student Laptops, Transit Program Services and more.


View a list of and links to all available forms, organized by department.

Department Heads

Housing Executive Director
Sami Jo Difuntorum

Education & Cultural Programs Director
Alissa Lane-Keene

Social & Human Services Director
Jaime Pineda

Natural Resources Director
Angela Sondenaa

Tribal Planner
Pamela Barlow-Lind