Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund

From left to right, awardees shown above are: Lhaq’TeMish Foundation, Oregon Sea Grant, City of Sweet Home, Coastal Range Food Bank, Chemawa Indian School
Next Application Deadline
2nd quarter 2025 applications are due by 4:30 PM, March 3rd, 2025
Apply only for budget expenditures that will occur after May 2nd, 2025.
The deadline is firm and final. Postmarks are not accepted.
Early submission is recommended. When possible, apply 1-2 weeks
prior to the deadline to allow time for basic screening and to correct
applications where required. Assistance provided as appropriate.
Requests must be submitted on the current application form.
Attach and email downloaded applications to
Please note new email address.
Click here to access the current Application:
Click here to access Eligibility/Grant Requirements:
Please read the requirements before applying.
Click here to access the current Evaluation Form:
The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon (Siletz Tribe) enacted Ordinance §4.20, Distribution of Net Revenues Ordinance, on July 6, 1999 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the State of Oregon on September 4, 1999. With these two actions, the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund and Advisory Board were created. Since its inception, STCCF has distributed more than $16.3 million in charitable grant awards.
The Siletz Tribe is proud of its diverse contributions through employment opportunities, service and monetary donations, and cooperative agreements to the Siletz community, Lincoln County, the state of Oregon and Native American organizations throughout the United States. Overall, the Tribe has honored its tradition of sharing by distributing more than $14.5 million through the charitable fund and other Tribal resources.
Charitable grants are awarded to charitable organizations and local governments within the Siletz Tribe’s service area (Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties) and to Native American organizations or activities located anywhere in the United States for the following purposes: education, health, public safety, gambling addiction, prevention, drug and alcohol treatment, housing, the arts, the environment and natural resource preservation, cultural activities, historic preservation, and other charitable purposes.
Advisory Board Members
Gerald Ben – Tribal Council Representative
Cheryl Lane – Tribal Member Representative Cheryl has lived in the Siletz Community most of her life and been active in the restoration of the Siletz Tribal culture in the community. She has been employed by the Siletz Tribe in the accounting department for over 20 years.
Danielle Payne-Wood – Tribal Member Representative Danielle lives in Siletz and is closely connected to the Lincoln County community in the service work she does as an Alcohol & Drug Professional. She is currently a co-owner of a successful Alcohol & Drug facility, Pheonix Wellness Center in Newport. Danielle brings her knowledge and experience in business in hopes of making a difference in her community.
Kurt Arden – Tribal Member Representative Kurt lives in Myrtle Point, Oregon. He was in the U.S. Marine Corp for 15 years and worked in the trucking industry for 26 years. He is currently employed by the U.S. Postal Service. He is married to Darcy and has two sons, Jacob and Zach.
Karen Gerttula – Community Representative Karen has been a member of the Lincoln County community for almost 40 years. She served as Lincoln County Commissioner and has been very active in the Lincoln County community activities and events over the years. She is currently retired and enjoying her grandchildren.
Mike Holden (Board Chair) – Community Representative Mike has been a member of the Lincoln County community for many years. He served as Chief of Police and Mayor of Lincoln City. Mike has also served as a Gaming Hearings Officer for the Siletz Tribal Regulatory Agency and retired as Security Director of Chinook Winds Casino & Resort.
Dick Anderson – Community Representative Dick currently serves as a Senator in District 5 for the State of Oregon and formerly as Mayor of the City of Lincoln City, City Councilor, Planning Commissioner and citizen’s representative to the budget committee. He is an active member of the Cascade West Area Commission on Transportation, Mid-Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation, Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association and Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce. He is a past board member of the Community Development Corporation of Lincoln County, a non-profit organization that develops and owns affordable housing in an effort to meet the housing needs of low income residents of Lincoln County.
Annual Reports
Contact Information
Jasmine Whitehead
201 E Swan Avenue
PO Box 549
Siletz, Oregon 97380
Phone: 541-444-8200
Toll Free: 800-922-1399
Application Process
Please review the Requirements before applying.
Apply Online
We are now offering the option to apply for the STCCF via our new online application. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of this option. For the time being, the MS Word application will also be available for those who wish to apply that way.
Deadline requirements still apply: online applications must be completed and submitted before 4:30 PM on the day of the deadline.
Download the Application
The required application form is available in MS Word format (download and save to use). Use [Tab] to navigate within the form, use only the space provided, and do not alter the application. The preferred method of submission is by email. Please complete and submit your final application as an attachment via email at least one-two weeks in advance. Hand-delivery, fax, postal mail, UPS, and FedEX submissions are acceptable. Applications must be received by 4:30 PM on the submission due date. Post marked and late applications will not be accepted. No exceptions.
Important Dates
Download the list of application deadlines and important dates by clicking the links below. Dates are subject to change and should be consulted regularly to confirm deadlines.
When awarded a grant from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund grantees agree to:
- Attend the distribution reception to receive their award and have a photograph taken; and
- Funds must be used for the purpose they were awarded within one year of receipt of funds; and
- The Grantee is responsible for making reasonable efforts to publish and announce the award received in a local media outlet; and
- Photographs regarding your activity are required to be submitted with the Evaluation Form.
- The approved evaluation form must be submitted after successful completion of the project/event/activity for which funds were received which must be no later than one year after receipt of funds.
To be eligible for the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund:
Your organization’s project/event/activity must be located within at least one of the eleven counties recognized as the Siletz Tribe’s service area including Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties; or Your organization/event/activity must be provided for at least 51% Native American participants located anywhere within the United States.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my project/activity/event/organization eligible for a grant?
The eligibility requirements for the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund are:
- Organization/project/activity/event must occur within the Siletz Tribe’s eleven-county service area in Oregon or be a Native American Organization/project/activity/event located within the United States.
- Grants will not be awarded to a project/activity/event that occurs prior to the distribution date for that quarter. For example: If you apply for funds in September, the Board and Tribal Council would review and approve requests in October, and the distribution reception would be in November. Your project/activity/event cannot occur prior to the November distribution date.
Do we have to submit proof of our Non-Profit status (i.e. 501(c )3)?
No. We do not require organizations to provide any State or IRS documentation.
Are attachments allowed with the application?
A maximum of 2 additional single-sided pages of documentation are acceptable. However, applicants are encouraged to use just the provided space on the seven-page form without providing any attachments. There is no benefit to providing more information, nor is there any disadvantage to providing additional information which the applicant feels is necessary in consideration of their application. Business cards, cover letters, post-it notes, etc. are considered attachments. CD’s, DVD’s and other visual items will not be accepted in the review of applications. Any attachments should be provided with the original emailed application.
Is there an average, maximum or minimum amount we can or should apply for?
Grant awards have ranged from $145.00 up to $250,000 since we began distributing charitable funds. Generally, the average for awards is $5,000-6,500. There has been no minimum or maximum established. We encourage all applicants to apply for their needs and include clear and detailed descriptions.
Do we include fundraising on the application?
Yes, if your organization has done fundraising for the current project, event or activity for which you are applying please report those funds as secured funding. It is very important to provide other resources, even fundraising on the application. If your organization is planning fundraisers for the project/activity applied for include those as well and just anticipate the income from the fundraiser.
When can we re-apply after being denied a grant?
There are no restrictions. You may re-apply in the next quarter and as needed.
When can we re-apply after receiving a grant?
There are no restrictions. You may re-apply in the next quarter whether your organization was denied or has received an award. However, you must be current on all evaluations for prior awards. If your organization has multiple active grant awards, evaluations must be completed and on-file by each awards one-year evaluation deadline.
Can I attach information regarding my organization and purpose to the Application instead of filling it out?
It is not necessary. The application form provided on this web site must be used and completed in its entirety to be considered for a grant award. Any applications received that indicate “see attached” in any section will be returned as an ineligible application. Please do not attach documentation of non-profit status. It is not required.
How do I submit an application? (Quick Step Process)
Access application on website.
Complete application entirely by completing all sections. Use only the space provided.
Print one copy of the application for your records.
The preferred submission method is to submit applications via email ( However, if necessary, you may mail ONE copy to the postal address by the deadline. Postal Mail: STCCF, PO Box 549, Siletz, OR 97380. Hand delivey, UPS, or FedEx: STCCF, 201 E Swan Avenue, Siletz, Oregon, 97380.
All applications must be received either by email, mail, UPS, FedEx, or hand delivery by 4:30pm on the deadline date. There are no exceptions. We recommend that you submit the application as soon as possible to avoid any technical difficulties that may occur on the due date. STCCF is not responsible for any technical difficulties delaying the submission of any application.
How do I know my application was submitted on time?
You will receive an email after the application is received indicating the review dates. If you provide the application by postal mail and do not have an email address, you will receive a postcard to the mailing address provided indicating the review dates. We cannot call every applicant who submits an application due to the high volume received, especially near the deadline date. If you want a guarantee that the application has been received please utilize an email return receipt or postal service that you can track.
Please do not call to see if your application has been received. You will receive notification by email or postcard (if no email address is provided) within 24 hours except during the week of the deadline date. Notification will be provided within 3 business days. If you wait to submit the application on the date it is due you will still receive notification by email in the order the applications are received.
If I receive a grant award, what are the reporting requirements?
If you receive a grant from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund you agree to:
Utilize the funds only for the approved purpose.
Complete and submit the required evaluation form with photos and receipts after the event/activity has occurred. Evaluations must be submitted no later than one year after receipt of grant awards.
Publicize the award of the donation in your local media and provide documentation with the evaluation form.
How do I satisfy the publication requirement?
Publication of the event can be satisfied by contacting your local media (i.e., newspaper, radio, etc.) and posting on appropriate social media (i.e., Facebook, etc.). If the media you have notified does not print or air the information to the public then you may submit the information you provided to the media with that explanation along with your evaluation as documentation of meeting that requirement.
Most Common Mistakes When Submitting Applications
- Errors in the secured, proposed and requested budget summary and detailed budget information.
- Failure to indicate a proposed activity date.
- Indicating a proposed activity date that occurs before the quarterly distribution reception date.
- Too many attachments. Only (2) two pages, single sided are allowed. If more than (2) two are attached then all of the application will be returned for correction and resubmission.
Problems Sending Applications Via Email
- For submitting the WORD formatted application please attach the application via email without a signature. The sent email is used as the signature. Please attach this application to your email as you would any other attachment using your email service. Important: Do not exceed the space provided on the application. The application should be only 7 pages long. If any sections move to the next page you have provided too much information. Please edit this information before submitting.
- Do not call to ask if your application has been received. You will be notified by email if an email address is provided or by postal mail if no email address is provided within 24 hours except during the week of the deadline date, you will then be notified within 3 business days. If you choose to submit your application on the due date you will still need to wait for the receipt notification via email which will be reviewed in the order they are received.
- We are not responsible for technical difficulties regarding the submission of the application. If the application is not received by 4:30 PM on the due date it will not be considered in that quarterly review and you will be notified. Our email system does not process received email immediately. It is in everyone’s best interest to not wait until the due date to submit their application to ensure the application is received timely.
Public Distribution Reception
- Receptions begin at 6:00 PM at the Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City, Oregon. Award notices will provide specific information on room and logistics for each quarterly reception.
- Light snacks are provided (cheese, crackers, fruit, coffee, etc.)
- An RSVP for the reception is required. You are welcome to bring as many people as you like to the event. Family, friends, and children are welcome. Please provide the total number of guests when confirming attendance to ensure adequate seating for everyone.
- The event is casual. Your attire should be comfortable and when appropriate, represent your organization.
- Each organization will be introduced and asked to provide a brief (1-2 minutes maximum) description of your organization and the project/activity that was funded.
- Photos are taken of each grant recipient as awards are distributed. A large group photo is taken at the conclusion.
- Please stay for the whole reception to help recognize each organization and to join the large group photo.