Comprehensive Primary Eye Care
- Wellness Exams
- Diabetic Exams
- Cataract Evaluations
- Contact Lens Evaluations
- Ocular Disease Management
- Urgent Evaluations
Diagnostic Imaging
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- Pentacam (anterior segment imaging)
- Visual Field Evaluations
- Fundus Photography
- Assistance with frame and lens choices
- Adjustments and repairs
- Contact lens ordering
Regular Hours
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Optical only)
Closed for lunch daily from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.
Please call to verify appointment times.
Emergency patients are encouraged to call or come into the clinic during patient care hours. We will do our best to evaluate or refer you in a timely manner.
Walk-in patients are welcome. We will see you based on our current availability.
Phone Number & Staff
Please call to schedule an appointment.
541-444-9630 or 541-444-1030 Opt. 3
Doro Hsu, OD
Non-emergent referrals to outside providers will be made after evaluation is completed at our clinic.
- Glasses will be ordered after payment is complete.
- Optometry prescriptions from outside providers will be honored until expiration date.
- If the prescription is later changed, we will work with our lab to provide updated lenses; however it must be within the time frame deemed appropriate by the laboratory.
- Parent or legal guardian must accompany minor for dilation and new contact lens training or fitting.