Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

2025 Community Meetings

Meetings will be hybrid & in-person!

Meetings start at 5:30 PM.

Salem: January 23rd
Eugene: Rescheduled to January 30th
Siletz: February 13th
Portland: February 27th
Out of Area: March 13th

Zoom link:
Plus Meeting ID: 873 4277 7803

Click to go to a section on the page.


The Planning Department supports Tribal Governance to realize program missions by proactively applying systems and tools that uniformly assess, coordinate, and evaluate projects and processes.

Tribal Planner

The Tribal Planner facilitates Council’s development of Tribal goals and objectives, and supports departments in successfully executing work plans and objectives. In addition to administering the department, the Tribal Planner, under the Council and CEO’s direction, acts as a liaison with other governmental planning entities, providing coordination and addressing regulatory requirements.

Pamela Barlow Lind

Tribal Planner
541-444-8361 or 800-922-1399 ext. 1361
Fax: 541-444-8362

Programs and Departments

Transportation Program

The Transportation Program contributes to the creation of the Siletz Reservation Transportation Plan and the Siletz Reservation Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); two documents that guide Tribal transportation planning. The program also includes maintaining the Indian Reservation Road Inventory (IRR), a list of roads on or accessing Tribal trust lands eligible for federal funding for improvements of new construction. As in the past, Planning manages the Tribe’s responsibilities when it enters into a 638 contract (self-governance) with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Branch of Roads for specific improvement and/or construction projects.

Pamela Barlow Lind

Transportation Planner
541-444-8361 or 800-922-1399 ext. 1361
Fax: 541-444-8362

CTSI Transit Program Services

The Transit Program services consists of two components:

Services Provided Directly by the Tribe

Through a network of tribally-owned vans and busses, Tribal members receive transportation to scheduled group activities, congregate meals for Elders, medical appointments or other destinations for which other public or private transportation services is not readily available. These services are available on an as-needed basis in Lincoln County and at each of our three Tribal area offices (Portland, Salem, and Eugene). These services are scheduled through various Tribal programs, including Elders, Health Services, Employment, Culture, and Education.

Scheduled Public Transit Services

Through a federal Tribal Transit grant awarded to the Tribe, we have contracted with Lincoln County Transit to greatly expand the services available to Tribal members (and other community members) in Siletz and along the most frequently traveled corridors stretching from Toledo to Newport to Lincoln City. As part of our agreement with the county, Tribal members can ride for free on county buses by showing their Tribal ID.

Title VI Complaints

If you believe you have been denied federal Title VI protections or benefits on the basis of your race, color, national origin, religion, or gender then your written complaint may be addressed to:

Lincoln County Transit
Lincoln County Transportation Service District
410 NE Harney Street, Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-265-4900
Title VI Coordinator

Complaints may also be filed directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with:

Office of Civil Rights
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE,
Washington, DC 20590.
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th floor –TCR

Additionally complaints may be filed with:

Oregon Department of Transportation
355 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Office of Civil Rights, Title VI Office

In any case, complaints should be copied to:

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
201 SE Swan Avenue
Siletz, OR 97380
Attn: Tribal Transit Planner, Planning Department

Jon Duarte

Transit Coordinator

Icon of a Bus

Click to go to Transit Page



Northwest Oregon Transit Alliance is a partnership of: Columbia County Rider, Sunset Empire Transportation District, Tillamook County Transportation District, Benton County Transit, and Lincoln County Transit

Salem to Portland Local Transit Services

Lane Transit District Serving Metropolitan Eugene/Springfield

Grant Writing

Grant Writing helps obtain funding through the grant application process. This includes grant opportunity monitoring, compiling databases of available funding, writing grant applications and designing work plans. The Grant Writer secures holds on current grants and keeps all grant funded staff informed of reporting requirements, re-application opportunities and deadlines. The Grant Writer works in conjunction with each of the Program Managers to discuss their program’s funding needs, and to coordinate efforts at compiling grant recommendations to present to Council for priority projects.

Gloria Ingle

Grant Writer
541-444-8235 or 800-922-1399 ext. 1235
Fax: 541-444-8362

Community Development

The Community Development Program contributes to the creation and execution of the Tribal Comprehensive Master Plan. The Master Plan is the document that identifies all the facilities and infrastructure projects and programs desired for the next 10 years. The goals and objectives contained in the Master Plan are created by Tribal Council, the Tribal Planner and the Planning Staff. Community Development’s mission is to create nice, safe places for Tribal members to live, work and play. Our Community Development Program directs all the energy necessary to forecast facility requirements, develop concepts, identify funding sources, produce designs, and manage the construction of the facilities and infrastructure required to improve the quality of life in our community.

Tracy Bailey

Construction Management Engineer
541-444-8278 or 800-922-1399 ext. 1278
Fax: 541-444-8362

Geographical Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides a powerful and cost-effective management tool for planning and decision making. Our GIS program assists with collecting, managing, and using location-based information to analyze trends, develop projections, and design spatial models for land use, planning, environmental management, transportation, water resources, timber management, and develop applications for departmental needs. The staff participates in all phases of GIS project design and implementation, including user needs assessment, database development, hardware/software configuration, software development, remote sensing, map creation, and the production of ready-to-use information.

Reservation and other maps are available on the Maps page.

Ian Keene

GIS Planner
541-444-8323 or 800-922-1399 ext. 1323
Fax: 541-444-8362

2005-2015 CTSI Comprehensive Plan

The 2005 Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Comprehensive Plan is the official document for guiding both the Siletz Membership and Tribal Government through decisions they will make throughout the next ten years. It outlines the goals and objectives developed by the Membership, and specifies a planning period up to the year of 2015.

The Plan is very general, comprehensive, and long range in nature. It is general in that it outlines broad based goals for the next ten years; comprehensive because it includes all the Tribal Members and Programs created for their benefit; and long range in that it explores the past and present situation of the Siletz Tribe for the purpose of future considerations.

The Plan is designed for use as one of the many necessary tools to assist the Tribe in directing its future. Although it is just one of the tools, it should be involved in the primary decision making process to ensure accuracy in goal achievement. It becomes the document necessary for maintaining a focus on the future, while, at the same time, being adaptable to unknown circumstances that are certain to arise in that future.


Download the 2005-2015 CTSI Comprehensive Plan

2020 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan

The purpose of the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians (CTSI) Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) is to guide current and future efforts to effectively and efficiently mitigate natural hazards on all CTSI Reservation lands, in coordination with other jurisdictions as appropriate, to mitigate and respond to natural hazards that are generated off the reservation lands, and tribally owned fee lands, or that cross these boundaries.

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians finds that natural hazards on the Tribal lands have a direct, serious, and substantial effect on the political integrity, economic security, health, and welfare of the Tribal lands, its members, and all persons present on Tribal lands. Further, CTSI finds that those activities that potentially increase the frequency or severity of damages from natural hazards, if left unaddressed, could cause such damages. Accordingly, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Administration and Tribal Council, Planning Department, Human Resources Department (HR), and Natural Resources Department (NR) helped develop this update to the MHMP for the Siletz Tribe.