Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Program Description

The Siletz Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program (STVRP) is designed to provide vocational rehabilitation services, including culturally appropriate services, to Native Americans with disabilities who reside within the 11-county service area. These services are consistent with eligible individual’s strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice so that the individual may prepare for and engage in high-quality employment that will increase opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.

Mission Statement

The STVRP program is open, willing, and dedicated to serving Tribal members with disabilities through development, collaboration, and informed choice which entails VR services for culturally specific pre-employment, job readiness, on the job coaching, and post-employment services.


The primary goal of the program is to assist and prepare participants to obtain and maintain successful employment, including self-employment and business ownership. Successful employment is defined as maintaining employment for at least three months.


  1. Provide services that include academic opportunities, vocational training, job coaching, on-the-job training and employment seeking.
  2. Provide assessments, on-going counseling and evaluation.
  3. Assist individuals in obtaining employment according to their skills, capabilities and vocational goals.
  4. Facilitate the interview and hiring process for participant and employer.
  5. Assist eligible participants with achieving their employment goals, including self-employment goals.
  6. Increase the quality of employment placements.
  7. Coordinate with employers to monitor and support participant progress and training.

Robert Wallace

Vocational Rehabilitation Director

Antonia Leija

Job Developer/Counselor
503-390-9494 ext.1861

Makayla Jackson

Job Developer/Counselor

541-484-4234 ext. 1752


Program Aid