Community Planning Meetings begin in January. Find the schedule and Zoom link here.

Actions that Do Not Need Tribal Council Approval

These forms can be processed by the Enrollment staff. You can scan and email the Tribal ID Request and Address & Contact Information Update forms to (these are the only two that can be emailed), fax forms to 541-444-8296, or mail/deliver in person to the Enrollment Office at:

201 SE Swan Ave.
PO Box 549
Siletz, OR 97380

A completed Address & Contact Information Update form can be faxed to 541-444-8296 (no cover page necessary) or sent as a scan via email to to get the phone or address updated quickly then mail in the original to the Enrollment Department. If the address change is sent via email, you will receive a reply confirming the form was received. If you do not get a response, please call to follow up that your email was received.

Actions that Need Review By Enrollment Committee

Actions and requests listed below that require review by the Enrollment Committee with a recommendation to Tribal Council. Tribal Council will then take action on the application/request on a quarterly basis in the form of a Resolution. Quarterly deadlines for Enrollment Actions are the first Friday in the months of January, April, July and September annually.

Note: All originals of Enrollment Applications/Requests listed below and supporting documentation must be submitted to a Siletz Tribal Office in person or via mail to the Enrollment Department. Originals are returned via Certified Mail.

The full instructions for the individual action (application or request) can be found on the form itself. If you need assistance in completing the form or have questions please contact the Enrollment staff.

Enroll to the Siletz Tribe

Applications must be submitted with at minimum an original state issued birth certificate naming the tribal parent on the birth certificate.

Blood Quantum Calculator

To be considered for membership of the Siletz Tribe, they must possesses 1/16 or more degree Siletz blood quantum.

Biological Parent 1 Blood Quantum
Biological Parent 2 Blood Quantum

Change Name on Tribal Roll

Even if you have changed your name in Tribal Court or with the Siletz Community Health Clinic, there is a separate process for changing your name on the Tribal Roll. At minimum you must submit the legal document (marriage certificate, divorce decree, adoption record, etc.) that legally changed your name and a clear color copy of your social security card with your updated name listed on the Social Security Card. If there is a clerical error in your name, contact the Enrollment staff and a request to make the correction will be submitted.

Blood Quantum Correction

Each adult must submit a request to have their blood quantum corrected as a result from a change in an ancestor’s blood quantum. To eliminate a delay, you should provide a copy of your original state issued birth certificate. At this time there is not a “cascading change” where an ancestor’s change is reflected in all descendants of that one person.

Request for Relinquishment of Siletz Membership

The Siletz Tribe does not allow for dual enrollment even if another tribe you may be eligible for does. If you wish to enroll with another Tribe, you must relinquish your membership with the Siletz Tribe first.