Revised April 2017

Please read this important information carefully.

By completing, signing and submitting a Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund (STCCF) application form, the Contact Person for the organization assures and certifies that it will comply with all STCCF regulations and guidelines as stated in the grant application. The Contact Person for the organization also assures that:

  1. She/he possesses the legal authority to submit an application for a grant.
  2. The organization will fulfill, to the greatest extent possible, any and all approved project tasks, goals, objectives, and expenditures stated in the STCCF award letter.
  3. STCCF funds will not be expended for any other purpose without the prior written approval of the STCCF Advisory Board. Any funds not expended for the purposes of the approved grant within the one year term must immediately be returned to STCCF unless such expenditure has been approved by STCCF.
  4. All Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Funds will be disbursed in accordance with the approved budget submitted in the application and stated in the award letter. No deviation in the use of grant funds is permitted without prior written consent of the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund Advisory Board.
  5. The grantee will provide an annual evaluation report on the required form within one year of receipt of funds. The report will include a completed form (description of what was accomplished and detailed accounting of the expenditure of STCCF funds), and where reasonably available copies of receipts, photos of activities and media coverage.
  6. One (1) copy of original publications directly resulting from the grant will be provided to STCCF.
  7. The awardees’ understand STCCF may withhold further consideration of future applications from the organization in the event an evaluation report is not received in a timely manner, and may terminate the grant and demand a refund if the evaluation is not received.
  8. The grantee organization will make reasonable efforts to publish and announce the award in a local media outlet. Documentation must be provided with the evaluation. Grantees are encouraged to acknowledge the support of STCCF for their organization and to include the name “Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund”, in a manner approved in advance, on any printed and visual materials produced as a result of the grant. Logos are available by contacting the STCCF Board secretary.
  9. The awarded organizations will send at least one representative to attend the Distribution Reception to personally accept the awarded funds.
  10. All awarded funds must be spent within one year of the receipt date. Request to use unexpended funds beyond the one year date must be submitted to the STCCF Advisory Board for review and approval. No unexpended funds may be expended without the prior written approval of the STCCF Advisory Board.
  11. Any violation of the foregoing conditions will require the refund to STCCF of any and all amounts subject to the violation and STCCF may find the organization is ineligible for future consideration of funding.

Grant Recipient Responsibilities

The Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund grant recipient organization must:

  1. Carry out all objectives and tasks as outlined in Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution application. To deviate from the stated objectives, a written request must be submitted to the STCCF Advisory Board for review and approval.
  2. Disburse all STCCF funds in accordance with the approved budget submitted with the application and stated in the award letter. No deviation in the use of grant funds is permitted without prior written approval from the STCCF Advisory Board.
  3. Abide by all STCCF Terms and Conditions.
  4. Acknowledge STCCF grant support on all public documents, press materials and public statements.
  5. STCCF encourages a GREEN process. Thank you letters are not required. If you send a thank you letter we encourage you to send it via email instead of mailing hard copies. This is not a requirement, just a recommendation.

Non-compliance with any of the above responsibilities may result in the suspension or revocation of Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution grant funds and may render the organization ineligible for future grants.

Before submitting an application, please remember these important points:

  • A completed application on the STCCF application form is required for consideration.
  • Always save a copy of the application for your files before submitting the original via postal mail or email attachment.
  • Applications must be received by 4:30 pm on the deadline date. Postmark dates are not accepted.

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications early to allow time for revision and resubmission when necessary to meet eligibility guidelines.

  • Applications received after a deadline may be deferred to the next quarter.
  • Project activity dates must occur after the distribution of funds.
  • Funds are not awarded for past expenditures.
  • Confirmation of receipt of applications will be sent via email to the contact person. Applications sent by postal mail will receive confirmation by email if an email address is provided. Applications without an email address will be mailed a postcard addressed to the contact person.
  • Applicants are notified within 3-5 days of receipt of applications.
  • The Advisory Board and Tribal Council review process usually takes 30 days.

How to Apply for STCCF

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon (Siletz Tribe) enacted Ordinance Section 4.20, Distribution of Net Revenues Ordinances on July 6, 1999. Additionally, Siletz Tribes and the State of Oregon signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 4, 1999. Through these two documents, the Charitable Contributions program and Advisory Board were created. The Advisory Board consists of seven individuals meeting quarterly to review and  recommend applications. They are also responsible for the evaluations and reports related to the distribution of funds.


Charitable Contributions are awarded to charitable organizations or local governments within the Siletz Tribe’s service area and/or Native American entities or activities located anywhere in the United States.

Eligible Oregon Counties include:

  • Benton
  • Clackamas
  • Lane
  • Lincoln
  • Linn
  • Marion
  • Multnomah
  • Polk
  • Tillamook
  • Washington
  • Yamhill

Native Organizations located throughout the United States outside the designated Oregon counties are also eligible to apply for funding if they are providing services or activities to a population with more than 50% Native American participation. Applicants must describe on the application how they meet these eligibility criteria.

The Charitable Contribution Fund has designated twelve allowable categories including:

  • Alcohol and Drug Treatment
  • The Arts
  • Cultural Activities
  • Education
  • Environment and Natural Resource Preservation
  • Gambling Addiction
  • Health
  • Historical Preservation
  • Housing
  • Prevention
  • Public Safety
  • Other

Only organizations located within the eleven counties or Native American organizations located within the United States are eligible to apply. Individuals are not eligible to apply for funding. Documentation of non-profit status is not required to be considered for a STCCF grant.

The STCCF is intended to provide funding for assistance or expansion of current organizational funding; it is not intended to be a substitute for existing funding or fundraising activities.

Generally, awards range from $150.00 to $10,000. The overall amount average is about $5,000. Application requests greater than $15,000 are not encouraged, however, applicants may request what is necessary to meet their needs.

STCCF generally considers projects that will provide the largest benefit to the community or population served and to organizations that have secured matching funding and/or have proposed ongoing fundraising activities.

Most successful applications demonstrate a 50-50 ratio of secured funds to the amount requested. Matching funds may include cash, in-kind or future  fundraising.

Expenditures such as operating expenses (salaries, benefits, administrative expenses, membership dues, etc.) are generally not considered for STCCF funding.

The review process takes at least 30 days with notice being provided to each applicant at least one week prior to the Public Distribution Reception. Notification regarding the decision will be delivered by U.S. Postal Mail. Please do not call regarding the status of your organization’s application.

How to Apply- The Basics

Review the important dates schedule posted on the website to determine the timing of your application. Project activity dates must occur after the distribution reception. For example, applications submitted by the December deadline must have an activity start date that occurs after the February distribution reception.

We recommend submitting applications 1-2 weeks early to allow time for revision and resubmission when necessary to meet eligibility criteria.

Download and use the current application posted on the STCCF website. Requests for funds must be submitted on the approved form provided on the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contributions Fund page. Save your work frequently.

Use tab to move through the application. Do not enter or insert additional space.

An application form must be completed in its entirety to be considered by the Advisory Board.

All information should be provided within the space provided on the application form. Do not insert additional space in the application. You may not state “see attached” in the application and provide the requested information in a separate document.

A maximum of two single-sided attachments are allowed only if the additional information is necessary to support the request. For example, copies of letters of commitment from partner organizations and quotes may be attached.

Cover letters are not necessary or required.

Applications may be submitted via email attachments to All applications must be received by 4:30 pm on the published due date. No postmarked applications will be accepted.

Step by Step Instructions

Complete all sections describing your organization accurately.

Applicant Organization: Provide the full, accurate name of organization. Do not use acronyms.

Contact Person: Please provide name, title, daytime phone and email for the individual that will be notified of the status of your application and contacted if any questions arise regarding your organization and/or application.

Mailing Address: Provide current and complete US Postal Service delivery information for your organization or contact person. The status of your application will be emailed (whenever email address is provided); however, the formal award notification will be mailed to the address provided.

County: List the county where your organization is located. Native American organizations will leave this blank.

Native American Organization: If selecting Native American organization you must briefly describe how your organization meets the 50% Native American participation eligibility criteria.

Make check payable to: Provide the organization name as it should be written on the check if funds are awarded. Space is limited to 35 characters.

Project Information

How many will benefit from the proposed project: Provide your best estimate of the total participants that will be served by or participate in the project. You will be asked to provide actual numbers on the final evaluation form including a breakdown by ethnicity. If you are applying for services that will impact an entire community, include the population statistics for that community.

Proposed date of project: A specific project start date is required. The start date cannot occur prior to the distribution of awards for the quarter. Errors made in the project start date are one of the most common reasons applications are not considered eligible for funding.

Grant Category: Please select only one category that you feel best represents your organization, project, or activity. The category is used for reporting purposes only. It is not used in selection of awardees. If you are unsure about which category to select, you can select “other” and describe briefly. Some activities are assigned to specific categories:

  • For gleaner, meal delivery, food bank, etc., select the “Health” category
  • For youth sports of any age group, select the “Prevention” category

Project Summary

Concisely and clearly summarize in three to four sentences the purpose of your request. Describe the project or activity specifically answering what, where, when and for whom. Use only the space provided. Do not enter or insert additional lines.

Capacity & Program Sustainability

Briefly describe your organizations ability to fiscally manage and report on grant awards, implement and complete proposed project activities and sustain the program beyond the one year term of any STCCF grant. When applicable, include the expected life of equipment to be purchased with an award and collaborations and partnerships related to the project.

Goals & Outcomes

Describe two-three primary goals of your organization, stating how the proposed project or activity will help meet these goals.

Organization Description

Briefly describe the purpose, mission and history of your organization.

Project Description

Use the space provided to describe in more detail the project summary including goals and activities and how you propose to use STCCF funds. Budget items can be described in more detail (product name, model, quantity, cost per item, etc.) Please include only information that creates a better understanding of the project and how it corresponds to the grant application. This is your opportunity to describe the needs of your organization and how the awarded funds
would be used to benefit the group or community served.

Proposed Projected Budget

Remember to use the tab key to move through the budget pages. If a space is skipped when using tab, it will be auto-filled as you provide information in a later budget space.

This section describes your sources of funding and overall budget. There are three separate budget categories: SECURED, PROPOSED, REQUESTED.

Total Matching Funds SECURED (A): Total of all funding sources your organization currently has in-hand including in-kind materials or labor.

Total Matching Funds PROPOSED (B): Total of funding sources your organization plans to fund raise for the project or submit requests to other grant makers. Do not include the amount you are requesting from STCCF in this total. This can include proposed in-kind donations, fundraisers, etc.

Total Funds REQUESTED (C): This is the amount you are requesting from STCCF.

Total Cost of the Project: (A) + (B) + (C)

Summary of Secured or Outstanding Matching Funds:

Funding Source: Use the left column to list the resources that fund your organization, such as, other agencies, grants received, in-kind contributions, fundraisers, etc.

Secured or Proposed Amounts: For each resource list the amount SECURED (in-hand) and/or PROPOSED (expect to receive in the future). Do not include the amount you are requesting from STCCF in this section.

If proposed, indicate date: For PROPOSED amounts, list the month and year of anticipated receipt of the funding source.

If no other sources of cash, in-kind or fundraising are being solicited for this project, please explain why: Describe the organizational limitations or barriers to seeking other sources of funding. Generally, preference will be given to organizations that have in-hand funding or are actively seeking other sources of funding.

Detailed Project Budget

This section describes how funds will be used, what will be purchased, etc.

Budget Items: Use the left column to list an itemized budget for organization and project expenses. Describe quantities and cost per item where applicable. Do not add space or insert lines, use the lines provided.

REQUESTED from STCCF (C): List expenses that will be covered by STCCF requested funding. The total at the bottom of page will match the amount requested in the proposed projected budget.

Applicant’s Share – SECURED: List the amount the organization has in-hand to use for the project budget item. The total will match the total listed on proposed projected budget page.

Applicant’s Share – PROPOSED: List the amount the organization anticipates using for the project budget item. The total will match the total listed on proposed projected budget page.

The two lines of totals at the bottom of this page for each column must match. Check carefully to ensure that all rows and columns are accurate for all budget categories. Errors made in the budget information are the most common reason applications are not considered eligible for funding.


The contact person must certify that the application is complete, accurate and all regulations and guidelines have been read and agreed upon. Since most applications are submitted as email attachments, the email’s time and date stamp will serve as your digital signature.

Please remember to print and retain a copy of the application for your records.

Submission of Application

Applications may be submitted 1-2 weeks early to allow time for revision and resubmission when necessary to meet eligibility criteria.

All applications must be received no later than 4:30 pm on the date of the posted deadline. STCCF is not responsible for any technical difficulties resulting in late submissions. Postmarked applications will not be accepted.

The preferred method for submission of applications is an attachment (MS Word or PDF) emailed to

Applications will also be accepted by hand-delivery, US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, etc. but email submission is safe and efficient. Mailing and physical addresses for Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund are provided on the application form.