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Siletz Tribal Athletic Commission Vacancy

December 18, 2023

The Athletic Commission was formed to promote and offer different types of sports activities at the Siletz Tribe’s gaming center and/or at other locations on Tribal trust land. The Athletic Commission was established to create rules and regulations for the conduct of each sporting activity and to regulate each sporting activity that is authorized by the Tribal Council. The Athletic Commission consists of three members and a Tribal Council member. Two of the three members may be a non-tribal member with experience in the conduct and regulation of sporting activities.

The Athletic Commission shall permit and regulate only those sporting activities specifically authorized by Tribal Council and permitted by applicable law. The following activities are authorized by Tribal Council: boxing (amateur and professional), wrestling (amateur and professional), and mixed martial arts (amateur and professional).

The Athletic Commission shall be responsible for regulation of any sporting activity, which occurs on Siletz lands to ensure that the conduct of such sporting activity comports with all Athletic Commission regulations and applicable laws.

Athletic Commission members shall be reimbursed for approved travel, subject to the availability of funds. If interested in an appointment to the Siletz Tribal Athletic Commission, please complete a resumé and submit to:

Tribal Council, Attn: Executive Assistant to the Tribal Council
P.O. Box 549
Siletz, Oregon 97380

or email CelestaL@ctsi.nsn.us. There is one vacancy with a term ending in 2027. Appointment will be made at the February 2024 Regular Tribal Council Meeting. The deadline to submit your resumé is February 7, 2024.